
Bae Ceredigion - Female Hub | Hub Under 14s 43 - 10 Valley Vixens - Female Hub | Hub Under 14s

Match Report
16 April 2024 / Team News

Dolphins v Valley Vixens

Sunday the Dolphins were called upon to play another game, this time against the Valley
Vixens, based in Rhydaman. In fine conditions the teams took to the field in front of another
strong crowd of supporters.
The Vixens have not had a chance to play for months, but hit the ground very much running,
with fierce tackling and some barnstorming runs. It did not take them long to take the lead
with a good solo effort try in the corner. Many of the home side were showing the effects of
the previous day’s exertions but battled bravely on. The Vixens pulled further ahead with a
second try at the 15 minute mark, but that was to be their final score of the day.
As the Dolphins ran the stiffness out of their legs the game began to open up, allowing the
girls to pass the ball out into the wide channels where they put together some fine attacks.
Three tries in the second quarter of the match gave the hosts a lead of 17-10 going into half
The second half was another show of force from the Dolphins, with some fine individual
efforts leading to some tries, but perhaps more importantly the girls put together some real
team tries against a strong defence who tackled hard and bravely to the final whistle.


Dydd Sul galwyd ar y Dolffiniaid i chwarae gêm arall, y tro hwn yn erbyn y Valley
Vixens, wedi'i leoli yn Rhydaman. Mewn amodau da aeth y timau i'r cae o flaen dorf gref o gefnogwyr.

Nid yw'r Vixens wedi cael cyfle i chwarae ers misoedd, ond nid naeth hyn dangos or chwiban cyntaf, gyda thaclo ffyrnig a rhediadau cyflym ysgubol. Ni chymerodd lawer o amser iddynt fod ar y blaen wrth iddynt sgorio ei cais cyntaf yn y gornel. Roedd llawer o'r ochr gartref yn chware ar coesau blinedig or ymdrech y diwrnod cynt ond brwydront yn ddewr. Tynnodd y Vixens ymhellach ymlaen gyda ail gais ar y marc 15 munud, ond dyna oedd eu sgôr olaf o'r dydd.

Wrth i'r dolffiniaid redeg y stiffrwydd allan o'u coesau dechreuodd y gêm agor, gan ganiatáu i'r merched i basio'r bêl allan i'r sianeli llydan lle maent yn rhoi rhai ymosodiadau dirwy at ei gilydd.
Fe wnaeth tri chais yn ail chwarter hanner cyntaf y gêm roi arweiniad i'r gwesteion o 17-10 yn mynd i mewn i hanner amser.

Roedd yr ail hanner yn sioe arall o rym gan y Dolphins, gyda ymdrechion gwych gan unigolion naeth arwain at rai ceisiau, ond efallai yn bwysicach bod y merched yn cydweithio i sgorio ambel gais yn erbyn tîm oedd  yn amddiffyn yn gryf a frwydodd yn ddewr i'r chwiban olaf.

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